INmission PROJECT?

The INmission Project was designed to help support Missionaries
currently serving in the mission field.

Originally started in 1995, the Project got it's official start in
Camarillo, California in 1996. Since then, it has assisted many
families and friends of Missionaries in supporting their Elders
or Sisters through mail/email and care packages.

Families of Missionaries often find that in the beginning, their
Missionary receives many pieces of mail, and is supported greatly by
their friends/family. However, sadly, many Missionaries find that
later on in their missions, the letters stop coming as often, and
perhaps stop completely. This leaves many feeling as if they have
been abandoned, and that people have forgotten them.

The INmission Project believes that this kind of thing should never
happen to any person who is serving the Lord, and has undertaken
to provide a way for families and caring people to help support
the many Missionaries who are in the field today.

Members who join the INmission Project as Missionary Writers are
matched up with a Missionary of similar interests and backgrounds
to themselves. They are then notified via email of the Missionary's
name and mailing address. From there they are free to write and
send packages to the missionaries as they wish. There is no fee for
this service, and it is done as a service to the many Missionaries
in the field today, in honor of all the service that they give
unselfishly to others every day.

The INmission project is run by members of the Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter Day Saints, but is not officially endorsed by the Church.
In other words, this is not an official Church homepage.

© 1998 The INmission Project